The weekend so far...
Many thanks to Jason Witcher on the UK Bloggers list who sent me a great piece of code that does automatic redirection. I published it to my old Blog*Spot site (which is now up and running - but who cares!) and now visitors to that site get forwarded straight to here. Fab. Just what I wanted. You're a star Jason.
Friday was dinner at Moro with Christopher New (a belated birthday present). It's a great restaurant - relaxed, trendy, lovely food etc. I'd recommend it for a special occasion. Afterwards we went to The Eddie for a few jars and then on to the Artful Dodger. I was bit too smashed to play pool so I danced a bit and hung out. Thank you to Michael and Guy. :)) In bed 3pm. Opps!
Saturday my sister, Jo-Jo, and my niece and nephew, Charlotte and William, came up to town and we did a bit of shopping in the West End. Then we raided Pret A Manger and we sat in Highbury Fields and had a picnic. We had a really nice day and it was great to see them.
I then had a disco nap and Mike and Tony came round at 9pm to watch Big Brother 2 launch episode. After that we went to the Sex and The City party. It was great fun. Meeting lots of new people and a few old friends. A perfect mix. Big up to Gary and Richard to being the hostesses with the mostess. Big up to Gregory (cute doctor) and Olaf (cute German) too. I'll be seeing you soon.
This afternoon we're off to a picnic at Vauxhall - might be a bit cold so I'm taking a thick sweatshirt. After that it'll be DE at the RVT and then who knows?
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