Michael joined us too which was great because I'd not seen him since New Year and he's just back from the Canaries. Paul arrived a little bit later on as he seems to be working all the hours God sends these days.
Once assembled our little band of happy campers headed off for food. And where else but... the wonderful Nicaraguan La Piragua. Upper Street has a lot to offer by way of fine eateries but La Piragua is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of friendly service, quality of food, character and value for money. £20 a head and that included wine (Sauvignon Plonk, naturally).
After dinner Pete and I went on to the EDVI (as it now likes to call itself) and then Bar Fusion. There we sat on the sofas, got a bit more tipsy and had giggly girly chats, gossipy fish-wifery and swapped of Kath and Kim one-liners.
As Pete put it in a text later: "Oh Sharon, you ate my last fat free fruche! I had a great night. And I sayed so!" I couldn't have agreed more.
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