(Tell me why) I do like Mondays...
Why do I like Mondays so much? Well, basically it's because I love my job. Am I mad? Maybe.
When I first left Uni I did a job that I hated (I can't tell you what: hush, hush). I felt really cheated. I though people were supposed to like their jobs. I wasn't the only one. Everyone around me was complaining about how much they hated work too. I sat myself down and I decided that I would never do anything that I didn't really love. As fate would have it we were all being kicked out anyway. So I looked around and made a conscious decision to work in a field that I loved. I started working with computers. This was about the time PCs were invented in the early 80's. I just loved them. I thought they were magical. You typed something on keyboard and letters raced across a screen. You wiggled a mouse and an arrow danced for you in front of your eyes. I was spellbound. I knew that this is what I wanted to do with my life.
On the tube this morning I spent a few minutes trying to think why I was so happy and why I have so few days off sick from my current job. This is what I came up with:-
* I like my work itself - system's management (computer integration, server admin, PC support etc).
* I like working in London (especially Mayfair).
* I like my boss and the other people I work with too (no really).
* I especially like being in control of my own day (don't all list makers?).
* I love that part of my job is to play around with new technology and gadgets (boys and their toys, eh?).
* I'm out at work (very out).
* I like the salary they pay me (no really).
* How else can I explain why I stay here until 8pm all alone on a Friday night when I could be out drinking (or worse)?
So here I am. That's why there's always a spring in my step come Monday morning.
And what have I been up to today at work?
* Configuring remote collection of company e-mail by mobile phones (very 21st century).
* Reconfiguring an Exchange 2000 test installation (roll out soon).
* Trouble-shooting compression issues on privately routed phone calls to Washington DC, New York and Houston (so international, me).
* Having a chin wag with David Matthewson, our computer consultant (DM knows all the gossip).
* Laughing at the number of porn pictures/viruses that one of our customers had unintentionally started sending us (some tennis player starkers).
* Investigating personalised WAP sites (WAP is crap really but every fag needs a fad).
* Reprogramming some phone handsets (did I mention I'm the company's telecommunications "expert"?)
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