Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Kid Creole and the Coconuts...

Last night the delectable David, seductive Stuart, delicious Darren, cute Chris, rapturous Rachael and little old me all went to see the king of self-assured, self-centredness that is Kid Creole and the Coconuts at the London Jazz Cafe.

Kid Creole is the alias of the America singer / songwriter / producer / guitarist / showman August Darnell. Backed with eight talented musicians (brass, rhythm, keyboards and bongos), three glamorous (and let's not forget nubile) Coconuts and a unequalled stage persona The Kid put on a great show. Complete with three, yes three, gratuitous hat changes. Think Cab Calloway. Think Hollywood films of the 30s and 40s. Think Jim Carrey in The Mask. He was smmmmokin'.

All the hits were there. Well almost: Stool Pigeon, I'm A Wonderful Thing Baby, Annie I'm Not Your Daddy, Don't Take My Coconuts, (No More) Casual Sex and the sex of it (as David pointed out, written by Prince). Sadly no Me No Popeye though.

Funny. Sexy. Cool. We laughed and danced like loons. It was a great night.


  1. Sex Of It was one of the encores. A 15 minute version!

    They are on again tonight if you want to go!

  2. Anonymous12:30 pm

    I had expected to like the show, but I LOVED it.

    I loved the horn section (I've always loved a man who can really blow a horn.) The pink vinyl costumes the Coconuts wore for the first few numbers were hysterically camp, and I'm practising their dance routines at home! The Kid himself was an amazing showman and the band was incredibly tight - the whole show was like a James Brown revue.

    You see, if I was in your blood, then you wouldn't be so ugly.

  3. Anonymous8:11 am

    David, that's one of my favourite lyrics of ALL TIME.

    Jonathan, did you find your ticket?

    Love DAVID (USM)

  4. No, sadly. But bought myself another one. Well worth it!

  5. Anonymous2:59 pm

    Please excuse the late entry, but you just can't have "Me No Popeye2 without Andy Hernandez aka Coati Mundi. Oh and a prize of a plastic palm tree for anyone who knows August Darnell's real name (without Googling!).

    The Coconut Kid x


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