Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Green Pub Quiz Answers...

The quiz answers from last week:
01. Mongooses
02. Five pairs
03. 1981
04. Mammals
05. A hen
06. Ungulate
07. Northern
08. Vatican City
09. George Bernard Shaw
10. A sow's ear
11. Tuba
12. Fah
13. Anita Kerr Singers
14. New Orleans
15. In the film: Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl. In real life: Rupert, Agathe, Maria, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna, Martina, Rosemarie, Eleonore and Johannes Georg.
16. Michael Keaton
17. Liberace
18. Titanic
19. Bridget Jones's Diary
20. 12 days
21. 206
22. 100,000
23. Rubela
24. Two and a half quarts
25. Painkiller
26. 80%
27. True
28. Computer
29. Rust
30. Birds and sea creatures
31. Femme Fatale
32. 16
33. Lust (fornication), Gluttony, Greed (covetousness, avarice), Sloth (accidie, acedia), Wrath (anger, hate), Envy (jealousy) and Pride (vanity)
34. Spinach
35. Philosopher
36. Pnenomia
37. Beards
38. Friday 13th
39. China
40. The young

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