Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Time Machine - A Comedy @ Park Theatre...

Last night Stuart and I did something very silly. OK, we went to see something very silly. The Time Machine - A Comedy at the Park Theatre in London's glitzy Finsbury Park.
Starring gifted physical comedians Michael Dylan, Dave Hearn, and Amy Revelle playing characters called... er... (checks notes) ...Michael, Dave and Amy, it's an absurd reimagining of the novel by HG Wells.
Cleverly written by Steven Canny and John Nicholson and directed by Orla O’Loughlin it's a whip smart fourth-wall breaking farce of time jumping proportions. 
The plot just about hangs together in the first act but takes a macabre "Groundhog Day of the Dead" swerve in the second. 
It's an evening of fun, paradoxes, jokes, slapstick, Cher, pure silliness, and audience participation (where the audience gets the upper hand - and maybe pizza and wine too!) 
We left with big grins on our faces.

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