Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Quiz Night @HighburyL Great fun. How did we do? We came second! And can you guess which famous film we recreated in Playdoh? #QuizTeam #Underdogz #PubQuiz

Last night Jane, Sara, Stuart and I entered Liz's amazing monthly quiz at Highbury Library in London's glitzy Islington.

This was our second attempt at the quiz and we were determined to improve upon our dismal performance last month - second to last. We even changed our team name - to Underdogz

Liz was calling out the questions, Joanna spinning the tunes, and Ryan pulling the pints. It was great fun.

As with last time, there were loads of inventive rounds involving eating, making stuff and guessing the intro. We downed quite a few beers, ordered super-tasty Tangy food and had a rare old time.

But how did we do? Well, came second out of eight teams! 36.5 points. The winners got 39 points - and the £62 jackpot.

Here are the questions. See how you do? If you think you can beat us (you know you can!) - come next month! Booking essential!

Oh, and what is the weird picture to the left? There was Playdoh round. Can you guess which famous film we recreated?

Taste Test: Three pieces of chocolate to guess
1. Rum and raisin
2. Cappuccino
3. Salted Butterscotch

In the News
1. Which Oscar winning director quit his job at the helm of James Bond 25 over 'creative differences'?
2. A fish shop in Kuwait was reportedly shutdown for goign what to make his fish look more fresh?
3. Sports Direct owner Mike Ashley agreed to buy which chain store for £90m?
4. I'm a celebrity get me out of hereeeee will be returning this autumn, which celeb will be temporarily replacing Ant as Dec's co host?
5. After her catsuit was banned in the French Open, Serena Williams has taken to wearing what as she makes her 1Oth consecutive US Open euarter Final?

1. Which musical string instrument became associated with Hawaii after it was introduced by Portuguese immigrants in the 19th Century?
2. What is the name of central London's one remaining wholesale market where meat and poultry have been traded for over 800 years?
3. In which part of the world would you find Saint Piran's Flag?
4. There are two landlocked countries in South America can you tell me what they are?
5. The Welsh Premier League FootballTeam TNS are now known as The New Saints but what did the same abbreviation stand for between 1997 and 2006?

Food and Drink
1. In restaurants, what French term lets the customer know that they choose dishes from the menu as opposed to a set-menu?
2. Which alcohol spirit brand uses a Bat on its logo in dedication to the bats that lived in the originally distillery?
3. Andrew has a 12" pizza to himself, Liz has half of an 18" pizza. Who ate more pizza?
4. What is the name of the food product, rich in B Vitamins, that is produced as a by-product of the beer brewing process?
5. The Globe Artichoke is a species of which flower which is characterized by its prickles?

1. Music city USA is the official nickname of which city in Tennessee?
2. In the United States, what is the name of the river that separates New Jersey from Manhattan?
3. What is the name of the 2007 film, nominated for 4 Oscars, which tells the story of an independent-minded teenager confronting an unplanned pregnancy?
4. What was the destination of the NASA mission, Apoilo 11?
5. In the British version of the board game Monopoly, what is the most expensive property a player can purciase?

Sequences - You have to fill in the gap - For example - Game....set....MATCH
1. Ball...Cox...Moyles...Grimshaw...BLANK
2. 122 Leadenhall Street. . . . Heron Tower... One Canada Square. . . . BLANK
3. Crown Paints....Candy... ..Carlsberg... BLANK
4. 1 Sorrow,2 Joy, 3 Girl, 4 Boy, 5 BLANK
5. Home, Brain, Heart BLANK

Science & Nature
1. What does 'http' stand for, as used in website addresses?
2. Who is credited with the discovery of Jupiter's 4 moons in the year 1610?
3. What does the Gieger counter measure?
4. The largest known spider in the world is named after which biblical character?
5. What is the official name of the north star?

The Arts and Culture
1. In the UK mockumentary The Office, Wrat is the name of the paper merchants David Brent manages?
2. In Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror classic The Shining, what is the name of the hotel situated in the colorado Rockies, where the story unfolds?
3. What was the name of Bart Simpson's 1990 single that went to number 1 in the UK Charts and featured back-up vocals from Michael Jackson?
4. Which british sculptor has works such as the Arcelor Mittal Orbit and Cloud gate (big silver bean in Chicago) included in their portfolio?
5. What are the names of the twin characters in the Lewis Carroll novel Through The Looking Glass who have become synonymous in western popular culture slang for any two people who look and act in identical ways?

Intros round -
1. C'est Le Vie - Bewitched
2. Ray of Light - Madonna
3. Hard Knock Life - Jay Z
4. Teardrop - Massive Aftack
5. No Matter What - Boyzone

What was the year?

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