Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Brain teaser answers...

1. The missing symbols are: multipy, divide and add...in that order.

2. Six steps.
The full answer is as follows:
1. Fill up the 9 litre jug from the pool.
2. Fill up the 4 litre jug from the 9 liter jug (leaving 5 litres in the 9 litre jug).
3. Empty the 4 litre jug into the pool and fill it again from the 9 litre jug (leaving 1 litre in the 9 litre jug).
4. Empty the 4 litre jug into the pool and put the 1 litre from the 9 litre jug into the 4 litre.
5. Fill the 9 litre jug from the pool.
6. Fill up the 4 litre jug from the 9 litre jug. There was 1 litre in the 4 litre jug, so 3 litres will fill it. This leaves, in the 9 litre jug, exactly 6 litres.

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