Victoria Wood - As Seen On TV was the ground breaking TV show circa 1985 that contained the screamingly funny continuing TV soap spoof Acorn Antiques based in the busy antiques shop in Manchesterford if you please. With its wobbly sets, sensationalist plots, appalling acting, crude camerawork and dopey dialogue it was uncannily reminiscent of bad soaps in general and Crossroads in particular.
Now twenty years on Victoria Wood's musical version has recreated that mayhem in equal measures of the surreal, the delightfully camp and the downright funny.
All the old gang were in it (but sadly not VW herself the night we were there as she only does 'Bingo Nights') including Julie Walters as Mrs Overall, Celia Imrie as the wonderfully sexy Mrs Babs, Duncan Preston as Derek and new characters played by Josie Lawrence and Neil Morrisey.
The first half was a musical within a musical - a sort of "let's put on a show" kind of thing set in 'real life' with the humour of a behind-the-scenes Acorn Antiques Special. The second half was Acorn Antiques The Musical! proper with everyone in character. Wrinkly tights, coconut macaroons, eye shadow and Mrs Overall's home-made sherry were all visibly waiting in the wings.
The songs were great, the dancing second to none and the pastiches spot on. It was a great variety show with top notch actors and entertainers doing what they do best - hamming it up. Real Northern entertainment. And very funny.
For we Mrs Overall fans it was a nostalgia trip without compare. Fab. Fab. Fab.
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