Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

People, Places and Things...

Last week Stuart and I went to see Jeremy Herrin's electrifying production of Duncan Macmillan's new play People, Places and Things at the Wyndham's Theatre in London's glitzy West End.

Wow! What a show!

Fresh from its transfer from the Dorfman Theatre the play stars Denise Gough as an actress, Emma, checking herself into rehab. It's a rollercoaster ride of addiction, emotions and intoxicating action. I won't give the game away but things go very wrong, very quickly. If the first step is to admit you have a problem then Emma is in trouble from the get-go.

And if Ms Gough doesn't win Best Actress and Mr Macmillan Best New Play at the Olivier's this year I'll eat my hat.

Go see.

1 comment:

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