The Lives of Others...
Last night Stu and I went to see the Oscar winning film The Lives of Others at the Vue N1. It's original title was Das Leben der Anderen i.e it's a German language film (not that it said that on the poster mind you and as a joke some wag in the cinema groaned loudly when it started in German).
It was a good film though in that it seemed a truthful representation of the East German Stasi in 1984 and now they snooped on people all the time. Perhaps the Stasi might have been a little bit meaner though and there was no violence or fabricated evidence which I find hard to believe. There was a little bit of a Hollywood ending too but enjoyable all the same. God, the GDR looked grey back then.
stasi were never that heartful. they were pigs to all the time. my friend uncle was keeped by them.