Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

iPhone 3G...

My iPhone 3G turned up today so I'm playing with it at the moment. It's a bit bigger than I thought it'd be but a nice size all the same.

Update: I'm getting used to it now. Activesync working OK to got work email, calendar and contacts. Home email syncing too. Web browsing is fairly easy. YouTube is Okish. Maddeningly there's no copy/paste function though. Battery life (as with all mobile devices) is not ideal either. But it looks cool and the software is pretty easy to use. Being a techie I'd like to be able to tweak more but no doubt I'll find those 'hidden' settings soon enough.


  1. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Well,I've heard you say that before Jonathan !

  2. Anonymous5:46 pm

    GOSH! That blog could be about ANYthing!! Here's a re-write so you can see what I mean:

    I'm playing with it at the moment. It's a bit bigger than I thought it'd be but a nice size all the same. I'm getting used to it now. It looks cool and is pretty easy to use. I'd like to be able to tweak more but, no doubt, soon enough.

    Mmmmm, you have a way with words. Love it.

  3. Anonymous3:49 pm

    Shame about the Texting being a bit tricky with the keyboard and you can't send pics :-(((
    Otherwise loving playing with mine and size isn't an issue!!

  4. I've sort of got used to mine now. Not perfect but not bad.

  5. The main difference between iPhone and Smartphone is that the iPhone is a class of mobile phones which are exclusively designed and marketed by Apple Incorporation; while the Smartphone is a type of mobile phones which are produced by various phone manufacturers and offer phone, internet, software, and multimedia .


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