This weekend Stuart took me away to Cork as a surprise. Friday night check-in at Stansted is horrendous at the best of times. But the massive queues at check-in, Ryanair wanting to charge us for our hand luggage and the massive queues at security conspired to make it a fresh Hell. Luckily we meet up with the delightful Judith and Gavin who were also coming away with us so we had a shoulder to cry on. Life being such that it is our flight was delayed anyway so we had a crafty pint to steady our nerves.
The flight was a manual one to the inevitable 'crash landing' at Cork put me in a foul mood. Luckily by the time Helen had picked us up I was as right as rain. Helen was as charming as Stuart had said she would be and she chatted away as she drove us to Clodagh and Colin where they made us feel very welcome. Clodagh was quite the Irish beauty and had prepared eats and we all ate pizza and stayed up to the early morning drinking, laughing and listening to stories.
Saturday came and Clodagh had planned surfing lessons for us. We donned wet suits, grabbed our boards and headed for the surprisingly un-icy Atlantic ocean. And what fun it was? We laughed and surfed and tried to stand up. Stu was quite the star getting vertical three or four times. Even I managed a wobbly erection or two. Exhausted but happy we headed home to shower and then off to The Ivory Tower for a five course four hour banquet. Yummy food but boy was I knackered by the end of it.
Sunday was bright and sunny and we seven set off for Blarney. Stone kissing being the order of the day we actually had a lot of fun climbing Blarney castle and seeing the Oirish theme pack that was Blarney Castle grounds. Druids Cave anyone? Witches Kitchen perhaps?
A few beers and sandwiches later we were ready for the airport. We said our fond farewells, got my key chain confiscated by security bitch from Hell and got on our flight happy, sated and smiling.
It had been a fantastic weekend. Full of generosity, laughter and kindness. A big thank you to Clodagh, Colin, Helen, Judith and Gavin for making it so special and me feel so welcome. And thank you Stu for asking me.
Glad to hear you had a lovely weekend in my home city!