Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Friday, November 18, 2005

Kate Bush Official Team...

I got this is the post the other day.

I came across your Kate Bush blog entry, http://www.overyourhead.co.uk/2005/10/kate-bush-aerial.html and am contacting you on behalf of Columbia Records and M80. I run the Official Kate Bush Online Team, which helps get the word out about Aerial, runs contests with for free copies of the CD, and is basically just a cool place for Kate's fans to hang out. I was hoping that you might be interested in joining it, as such a loyal Kate Bush fan. Perhaps your readers would be interested as well? I'd really appreciate it if you could check out the team at: http://katebush.fanitorium.com/?L2282 and let me know your thoughts. Thank you!
~Lauren Kozak
Grassroots Team Director, M80


  1. Isn't the Kate Bush demographic rather too old and wise for all this "Street Team" nonsense? McFly, I can understand (grudgingly)... but Kate?

  2. Hence expanding the demographic by getting the "kids" on board...

    Tell them it's GREAT chill out/stoner music.

    Because, well, quite frankly, it is.

  3. It's a scam. She asked me to review a Street Fighter game for her on my webpage. I told her that I was having really shitty luck (I was... still am.) and said I couldn't afford to buy it. She offered to send me a free copy. I accepted. I saw it coming, but I figured, "What the hell."

    Well, she has my address, but months have passed without a package, and all e-mails are ignored with no response.

    My idea? Mail-bomb the sucker.


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