Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Monday, August 15, 2011

Brighton Pride: The Return...

We had a lovely three days down in Brighton. It was Brighton Pride and we stayed in our usual cubby hole of boutique B&B Square Brighton.

We spent a lot of time with Darren, Chris and Hudd which of course made it all the more special.

The parade seemed shorter than usual although had the requisite number of drag queens, go-go boys and community floats.

It was the first time that the Preston Park event charged to get in. £8 for local residents rising to £17 for people on the gate. Still, a lot of people seemed prepared to pay as the walled field was pretty full. It took us a while to actually get in (incompetent security arrangements) but it added to the sense of fun.

One of the high points for me was actually on the Friday night. We'd gone to a restaurant and Sonia happened to be there. She was due to perform the following day at the festival. She was charming, sat on my knee and posed for pictures.

All in all it was a fun weekend. We drank, chatted to friends old and new and generally messed about.

On way back to London now. My liver could do with the rest.

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  1. Anonymous12:04 pm

    By the time we reached the Park, the "incompetent security arrangements" had resulted in many thousands of people trying to squeeze through a single entrance, with a real sense that it was getting dangerous and a "crowd surge" from behind was starting, with nowhere for the people trapped in the crowd to go. People were complaining not only to the "event management" security staff (who had no radios so couldn't do anything) - but also to nearby police that the situation was getting dangerous.

  2. Blimey! Sounds like it got a lot worse then.

  3. meetthecroppers12:29 pm

    Where are the Sonia pictures? I love that woman!

  4. Please show us some pictures of the parade, floats etc. I see, it is a great adventure for you guys, Brighton Pride is of the most popular event or festival.


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