Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Alan Carr: Chatty Man...

Last night Andy, Darren, Mark, Mattie, Fabio and I went to see Alan Carr: Chatty Man being recorded at the Thames Studios on London's glitzy South Bank.

Alan was on top form, the studio was rather chilly though.

Guests were Grace Jones, Gok Wan and JLS (Lily Allen who had been due to perform was a no-show - again).

Grace Jones was weird, surreal and yet totally disarmingly honest. I wonder if her anecdote about Roger Moore and a black and white dildo will get broadcast?

Gok Wan was in uber-gay mode being rude, crude and funny as hell. He was obviously horny too.

JLS made very little sense - just giggling at everything Alan said. Their new single - some kind of Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music thing was lame.

Thanks for the ticket Andy.


  1. Thanks for the blog post hun on Alan Carr´s chatty man show.Make sure I wont miss it. What´s going on with Lilly alan, she´´s like off her tree. Never know what she´s up to and not.


    A x

  2. Well they *say* that Lily is ill. But I wonder if that's code for being petulant.

  3. ha ha most probably


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