Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


We had a fab time in Ibiza this year. Stu, Tim, Andy, David and I spent 10 days staying at the Hotel Cenit in Figueretas. It's a really nice 2 star hotel with a great pool, sun-lounging area and bar. The rooms are fairly basic but adequate. We stayed in room 203 - the best room in the place IMHO. We got the wi-fi signal quite strongly from the reception area and a great view. We spent most of our time down by the pool - me getting rather sunburned on the first day (oh, now British) - and the evenings scouting around for places to eat and then bar hopping afterwards; JJ's, Angelo's, Anfora's - the usual places. On the Thursday night Anfora got raided by the police. It was only for noise levels but I'm sure I saw a few euros changing hands. A raid AND police corruption all in one night! I feel so cool sometimes. We did spend a couple of days doing slightly different things too; we 'did' the Old Town and Cathedral one day - lovely views - and also took a boat trip to Formentera - over-long voyage to an island south of Ibiza but worth it for the lovely beaches. So all in all a great holiday. We'll be going back I'm sure. Maybe as a package trip next time though - it's way cheaper than booking it as separate flight and hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:13 am

    Great work man i would like to congratulate you on this effort https://www.savoirfaireibiza.com/


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