Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Friday, February 21, 2020

Death of England @ Dorfman Theatre...

Last night Stuart and I went to see Clint Dyer & Roy Williams new fearless one-person play about identity, race and class in Britain, Death of England at Dorfman Theatre on London's glitzy South Bank.

Oh my gosh, it was amazing. Rafe Spall is as powerful and passionate as he is explosive. He deserves every accolade going for this spit-speckled, sweat-soaked, testosterone-powered performance.

Muscular, jocular, and sweaty, Spall plays Michael, a working-class, late-30s Essex man bubbling with self-loathing. The action - and there is a lot of it - concerns the fallout from the death of his father, a racist, Brexit-loving flower seller, who collapsed during England’s World Cup semi-final defeat to Croatia a few years ago.

Death of England started life as a 10-minute micro-play commissioned by the Royal Court and the Guardian in 2014. Six years, three elections, and one referendum later, it arrives fully formed on the Dorfman stage as a fully-fledged 100-minute monologue.

Funny, moving, meta - it is a solo tour-de-force. And there’s biscuits.

Go see.

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