Quote Of The Day

"Victory goes to the player who makes the next-to-last mistake - Chessmaster Savielly Grigorievitch Tartakower (1887-1956)"

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

South America : Day 6 : Lake Titicaca, Sunrise, Sunset and Moon Island…

We bid farewell to Lake Titicaca today. 

Last night though we climbed up to the top of Sun Island to enjoy the sunset. Then today we rose at 5:30am (in the freezing cold mind) to catch the sunrise, and again climbed up to the top to enjoy the spectacular views of the Incan terraces in the sunshine. 

On our way back to the mainland our nippy hydrofoil struggled against the waves but did make it. If you haven’t been bundled into a washing machine on a wash and spin cycle yet then hydrofoils in high waves may come a close second. 

Mid-voyage we sort a safe harbour at the pretty island of Moon Island. There we discovered both the charming and the grotesque. 

The ‘charming’ was Inak Uyu (the Inca relic Virgin’s Temple). 

The ‘grotesque’ was a small yellow hut. The hut was linked to the prison camp on the far side of island under Klaus Barbie’s despicable work in Bolivia in the 1950s and 1960s.   

Somewhat shaken we headed back onto the water to finish our bumpy voyage and onward journey back to La  Paz.

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